Wednesday, May 4, 2011

My first post...

I feel like the first post on any blog should be incredibly poignant, incredibly witty, or set up the stage for any following post. If anything, this post will be closest to the third.

I suppose I can start out by introducing myself and explaining why you should take the time out of your busy day to read what I have to say. My name is Evelyn Gaerke. I'm not afraid of saying this on the Internet because I have nothing to lose, except a four year old laptop that could die any day and a used Gamecube I bought a few weeks ago. Have at it. Anyway, I'm 21 years old and hardly the type of person to take advantage of it.

I'm a sophomore in college, thanks to having a lovely year off due to financial aid difficulties last year, but I can't really complain. It was a maturing experience, taking a break from school and I had a lot of time to do some serious soul searching. By the way, still searching. I learned that its hardly the kind of thing one can achieve in as short an amount of time as a year, but rather its a lifelong search. Anyway, it was a good bonding experience with my family.

I'm an English major and yes, I know the stigma surrounding it. I don't care. I'm not everyone else and my future is mine. I control what happens to me and trust me, I will not spend the rest of my life asking if you want fries with that.

As a blogger, it probably comes as no surprise that I'm an aspiring author. I love to write, though I'm not the most ambitious of people, I hope to publish a best-seller someday. I know, I know, Keep Dreaming. Trust me, I will. I've written a few novels, a host of short stories, and tons of poems, though hardly any of it is worthy of publication. However, a few years ago I did submit a short novel to PublishAmerica, a print-on-demand publisher (vanity publisher, though they deny it) and it was accepted as it everything else submitted. It was a pretty cool experience, despite the lack of credibility and I learned a great deal about publishing, such as, read the fine print. I won't tell you the title of the book in the hopes that you won't look it up. I wrote it when I was 16. Believe me. You can tell.

I live in Eastern Kentucky, in the foothills of the beautiful Appalachian Mountains and I wouldn't trade it for anywhere in the world as my home. I love it here. Everything comes together to form my very own Paradise. I can sit out on my front porch and listen to the birds serenade the sun, watch the wind blow through the trees which cover the rolling hills, and smell the flowers, the grass, anything but exhaust and stale air. There is power in the atmosphere here, something that blows right through you and elevates your mind above the worries of mankind. This is where I was raised and this is where I want to die.

Anyway, enough about me...and probably enough for this first post. I hope to get into some pretty interesting topics in the coming posts so keep an eye out and bear with me. I want to entertain you...I may just need some practice first!

Until next time, adieu!

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